Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was a brave man when he was in prison, though he and his friends were ill treated by the warders,he refused to stand by and do the tough jobs that were required of them, he then decided that they would go on a go-slow strike.He didn't like it that black people had to wear shorts,so he insisted that he speaks to the head of prison.He refused to wear the long trousers that was given to him unless all of the black guys got.This apartheid had a positive effect on him because it gave him courage and determination to fight and stand up for his fellow blacks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi girlfriend............! i got your point Nelson Mandela refused to wear a long trousers because black people wear shorts, perhaps that was apartheid but treated him positively due to the encouragement and determination he gain to fight and stand for his blacks as whole,that was brave i agree with your an ambitious person as Nelson Mandela...chauuuh!
