Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was a brave man when he was in prison, though he and his friends were ill treated by the warders,he refused to stand by and do the tough jobs that were required of them, he then decided that they would go on a go-slow strike.He didn't like it that black people had to wear shorts,so he insisted that he speaks to the head of prison.He refused to wear the long trousers that was given to him unless all of the black guys got.This apartheid had a positive effect on him because it gave him courage and determination to fight and stand up for his fellow blacks.


The grandfather was more stricken by the fear of death which is normal for him to fear death. He never believed in the superstition that a falling of a star means death, but when he heard that a star has fallen, his fear became worse because it reminded him of the death of his wife, and whenever he remembers, then in his mind he thinks he is doomed to die soon.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

experience on creating blogs

It was hectic because i didn' have a clue what it was. but now that i've got a real idea of what it is, im surelly enjoying myself , taught me that one should never miss tutorials because everything that we should do are clearly explained in class.Its very confusing for someone that doesn't have clue of what is what!